Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life...As A Homeschooler

For many of the people reading this right now, the word "homeschooler" conveys one of two pictures to their minds.

1. A nerd who gets an A on a trigonometry test and would rather discuss the anatomy of lightning bugs (hey, they are cool-looking) and the inner details of aerospace engineering than see the latest movie down at the theater...basically is a typical weirdo.


2. An undersocialized freak who actually dislikes Justin Bieber (guilty), doesn't know what electric guitars are, and has been brainwashed into thinking that abortion actually kills a human being (who'da thunk?).

I'm here to tell you...they're right.

Well, mostly. 

Here are some things which in all my years have stuck out the most to me about being a homeschooler.

1. On my tests, as on those of the majority of my friends, A's are praised but not unexpected. B's are average. C's mean I need to do some serious studying. D's...well, let's just say I'd rather not find out. (And, yes, I do have friends...and guess what...they're homeschooled, too!)

2. We don't get snow days...or sick days. You come downstairs and say "Mom, I think I've got the chicken pox." She takes one look at you and says, "Okay, go back to bed...and take your math with you!" Then she calls all your friend's parents so they can bring their kids over to get it too. 

3. At age 16, stupid is still a word used only on the direst of occasions, and public-schooler is "an insult of the highest degree."

4. You go the library and when you check out the librarian congratulates you on persevering through Sherlock Holmes. You quietly smile as you inform her you've been reading Charles Dickens since you were 9...and just for fun, not because your mom made you.

5. The closest thing to a school bully is your little sister.

6. You can recognize another homeschooler from across the grocery store, even if you've never seen them before. You're usually cued off by three things: the fact that the girls are wearing jean skirts and tennis shoes, while the boys' pants are fastened securely about the waist; the fact that there's about eight of them, the oldest about 20 and the youngest just a few months old; and, lastly, the fact that, to the smallest, they are behaving in a quiet dignified manner - no cussing, no yelling, no temper tantrums, and perfectly obedient.

7. The minor holidays mean that Dad is the one who gets to quiz you with algebra today, since he's not at work.

8. Your school uniform and your pjs are one and the same.

9. Lunch break means chores.

10. You can get as far ahead in school as you want - which means you can take a day off whenever you want, when you're ahead.

11. You try to call you friend only to have their mom tell you they're still in school...oops!

12. You have 15 best friends, and many more mere friends.

13. The Rebelution is the coolest thing since Apologia science.

These are just a few of the many unique things about homeschooling. I realize that I belong to a special brand of evangelical Christian homeschoolers, but I think much of this applies to more than just us.

But, though lots of things about homeschooling are amazing, sadly, there are many adverse consequences.

When taking the PSAT at your local college, the teen who had been quite friendly for the first half of the test turns abruptly cold when she finds out your homeschooling status.

When fundraising for your science team, people on the verge of donating walk away when finding out the same thing.

Lots of prejudice against us exists. And it's just plain sad. But I think we shall prevail. :)

And if you ever decide to homeschool your kids, please, please, please...don't make your kids do chores on lunch break.

Just sayin'.

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