Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yesterday I had the most amazingly infuriating experience ever.  I went to the library to pick up a couple of books, and lo and behold, who were standing out front of the building? Two people from PLANNED PARENTHOOD!!! They were asking for donations. I managed to restrain my temper...barely.

Then we went toWalmart and I calmed down some after buying bleach, contact lens solution, coffee filters, and some more earring. And then we went to Trader Joe's.

Guess who was out front? YES! Another pair of Planned Parenthood people. I still managed to hold my temper (mostly because my dad was there with me this time) but I really, really, really wanted to say something about how I had "seen a video of the aftermath of an abortion and you know what I saw? I saw babies' hand and feet lying in a pool of their own blood."

But I didn't. The best comeback I ever heard given to them is that of my mom. One guy asked her, "Hi, would you like to support Planned Parenthood?"

She said, "No. In fact, I'd like to see you put out of business."

She was polite and everything, but you know what the worst part was? The fact that the guy couldn't believe that someone actually wouldn't want to support Planned Parenthood. These people are blind. To them, all dark is light and all light is dark. I could try to persuade them to a knowledge of the truth with the SLED acronym and the Romans Road. But without Christ, there is no hope for their sight to return.

All we can really do is pray.

UPDATE:  Went to Trader Joe's again today and they had a sign out front saying something along the lines of "So that our customers can shop undisturbed, we do not allow solicitors by or near the front of our store. If you are approached by anyone with a clipboard or folding table, feel free to ignore them without guilt." HAHAHAH!!!

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