Monday, September 26, 2011


Today, I started my first day of college. This is officially the weirdest day of my life. The closest thing I have ever had to a public school class is my Science Olympiad competitions and my PSATs. So it was rather different today. Thankfully I am taking my first class of each day (ancient history) with Sarah and, it turns out, her brother Jared. My other three classes, however, I am not so lucky in my classmates. At least, in geography I'm not. I haven't had my dancing or my American literature yet. I'm hoping to find a mutual homeschooler in at least one of those two, though.

At first, it wasn't too bad. I've been in enough class-like settings that taking a class with people I don't know wasn't that alarming. It didn't quite sink in that I wasn't just with a lot of homeschoolers I hadn't seen before.

That is, it didn't until I heard this guy walking behind me use the F-word about five times per sentence. That I had never heard before. Ouch. THAT'S when it struck.

These people are what we know as "the world."

I need to be careful. I can't be open to everything they suggest. I must examine what they say, and compare it to the truth of the Gospel. This could be difficult. I've never had to do that before. It's never been necessary before. But now it is. It's really very sad.

So tomorrow I'll head back. And this time, hopefully, I'll be prepared. Prepared to stand out like a light in darkness - not because of who I am, but because of who Christ is within me.

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