Monday, September 12, 2011

We Will Not Forget.

Every year at this time people pause in their routine and think of a day - the day that the sky collapsed and humanity drew near to comfort one another. The day that there were no barriers, social, racial or any other. The day that the world wept.

10 years. Can it be? So brief compared to the vast reaches of time, so long when applied to a single life. Yet we remember.

10 years. What happened a decade ago? What happened to break the hearts of millions - perhaps billions - of people? Four planes were commandeered by nineteen men and forced to fly where their captors directed.

10 years. 4 planes. One plane was crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers attempted to retake control. Another plane was forced to fly into the Pentagon in Virginia. The other two planes each crashed into one of the two Twin Towers. Both towers collapsed in a matter of hours.

10 years. 4 planes. 3000 people lost their lives that day.

Who were these men? Were they insane? Not at all. Were they evil? No more than the rest of human race. In fact, they believed they were doing good. They thought they died for the cause of Allah. In reality, they were mere pawns in a greater battle, one which cannot be seen by human eyes.

To minds of these poor humans, who won that day? Was it that invisible darkness manipulating the thoughts of the nineteen hijackers? No. It was the Spirit who breathed courage into the firefights and heroism into the everyday civilians. The hand that held the husband and father's fingers steady as he dialed the number to tell his family he wouldn't be making it home that night. The light that showed the Seeing Eye dog the way as she led hundreds of people out to safety. The bond that knit the American people closer together than a hundred years could do. And one day we will understand this.

But until then, what can we do? What can we do to show we care for those who died during those dreadful hours?

There is one thing we can do.

We remember. 

1 comment:

  1. FYI, I know this is a day late, but...yeah, I didn't have time to post yesterday.
