Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ramblings Two

I love that word! Most words give me a picture, or at least a sense, and even if they technically are synonyms different words give me different senses. Like joy vs. happiness. Happiness is...well, happiness. Like being happy to be with friends or being happy to go to a special place. When I think of it I think of someone sighing with contentment - happiness.

Joy, on the other hand, is deeper. More spiritual. It's the kind of feeling you have when you first become a follower of Christ. It's what you feel when you know deep down in your very soul that, whatever happens, eternity is waiting. It's holding the promise of eternity in your heart. It's beautiful.

When I think of rambling I think of vines crawling over a brick wall. (Blackberries vines especially tend to take over. We have a ton of them up here)

Look at how they're...wait for it...RAMBLING over the wall!

Gorgeous, isn't it? So that's what I'm calling my posts where I'm not really talking about anything. At all. 

I know I haven't posted for a while, I know. Like three whole months. Oops. But I have excuses. Finals for one.
My life in June
Then I was figuring out my classes for next year. I think I'm going to finish my AA, then I'm heading over to a local college to get my nursing RN. Then after that I'm going to decided what to do next. Probably getting my nursing BSN at a university in Portland while I work as a nurse at the same time. Or maybe God might have something else by then, like another school, or possibly getting married, or taking a break from school, or something like that. I guess I'll find out in three years! 
But for now I'm taking it one step at a time. On Saturday my brother and his wife and daughter are coming up from Texas. I'm so excited! My niece is 21 months and as cute as a button. Then right after they leave (literally five days) I'm going to go to Gleanings!
 Read about Gleanings here. It's an amazing time of fun, fellowship (with both my peers and my Savior), and good hard work.
So that's what I've been doing. OH! But I forgot one of the biggest things! Job-hunting. ::horror music:: Been looking for almost a year and it is not fun. I'm pretty sure all the businesses are in cahoots to keep me jobless. Part of it is that my parents specifically said no fast-food (except coffee places like Starbucks or ice cream places like Baskin-Robbins or Coldstone are okay - do they even count as fast food?), no mall, and no Walmart. And preferably no pushing carts. 
So I've applied to about three bazillion jobs at coffee places, ice cream places, Safeway, Fred Meyer, Target, Michael's, and some other ones that I've forgotten. Right now I'm working on an application to Chuck's. It's an organic place like Whole Foods, only less expensive. And it's rumored to be run by the Seventh Day Adventists. Which is why it's closed on Saturday. It's actually a really cool store. They have fruits and vegetables I've never even heard of. Like this fellow. 
His name is Frankie. My mom says it's short for Frankenstein, but it's not.                                          

So, yeah, I don't mind working there. I'd just appreciate having a JOB! But I guess I'll just have to wait on the Lord. As hard as that can seem sometimes. Have an amazing day!   

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