Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gleanings 2012 Part One

On Sunday I returned from my trip to Gleanings For the Hungry. I've posted about this before (right here). This year the trip was from August 25th to September 2nd. Typically we have about 80-90 people (counting adults) on the trip. These people are from the various congregations of my church, Household of Faith. The congregations are centered around Portland, with a couple up by Seattle and one down in Medford, OR area.

This year, unfortunately, we only had about 65 people come. This made things a little difficult, since we had to run the plant with less people than we are used to. However, we persevered! And things went great. Some of us kids got up an hour early (5:30 a.m.) to get the field work done before breakfast so that a: we wouldn't have to do it in the heat; and b: we could get to work in the actual peach plant earlier.

Although, I actually cleaned bathrooms during the mornings. Thankfully this year we had guys on the cleaning crew so that we girls didn't have to clean theirs.

During this week they played this song in worship a lot.

 I think almost every single person had it stuck in their head the whole week. It's a good song to meditate on. As kids who have grown up in Christian homes, it's easy for us to forget just how beautiful Christianity is. (Post on this coming up soon). This song is a good reminder. God isn't just good, holy, majestic, strong, pure, and all those things we always hear. He really is beautiful. And I think that's something it's important to remember.

Well, there are some general details about the trip. During the next couple of days I'll work on Part Two giving more specific details. I would include pictures, but I didn't take a camera....however, should have some, if you want to see.

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