Friday, September 14, 2012

Gleanings Part Two

So this post took a lot longer than I wanted it to - number one reason being that I broke out with chicken pox the same day as I wrote that last post. I was vaccinated when I was about 6 years old, but apparently you are supposed to be re-vaccinated every five years and we had not done so...thus a sudden epidemic of itchy spots all over my arms. I have a LOT on my arms, but I only have a few on my face, chest, and legs - and none on my neck or back, although I might have a few on my scalp. It's hard to tell, though, because I have such thick hair.

So that has slowed down production quite a bit. But here I am. Be thankful I'm getting it done this fast. The only major effect of chicken pox (besides the itchy blotches) is a sudden case of extreme grouchiness. Even I've noticed how grouchy I've been lately. I think that when we discovered I was sick my family was relieved to find out it wasn't a permanent condition. Anyway, when I'm grouchy I don't feel like doing much, especially writing my blog posts. But I do want to keep up this blog.

Well, like I said in my last post, we had a smaller team this year. But that gave us the opportunity to get to know each better than we would have with, say, another 20 people. One of my very, very best friends came and I really loved being able to spend more time with her than I have in years. 

On Friday we were blessed to see a performance by Rick Alonzo. See his website here. Check it out. He did three paintings for us and they were just wonderful. The first one was of Christ's face and he did it upside-down, so that none of us knew what it was until right as the loud music ended and he flipped it over. The shock of seeing what looked like random splotches of paint suddenly transform into the face of my Savior really did something.It was really good. He gave his testimony of the grace and love of Christ and two people were saved that night. It was an amazing experience.

The whole trip was a sweet time of building relationships - I think that's what the "theme" of this week really was. One of the dads preached a great series of short sermons on relationships - not guy/girl, just in general. There was a little strife going on between people that seemed to be resolved. People made new friends. Relationships with Jesus were renewed.

I also had the privilege of being "dorm mom" for the girls' dorm. Basically I just took a head count of the girls at lights out to make sure they were all there, then reported to the team leader to let him know they were all in. I also made sure the dorm got cleaned out the way it was supposed to be at the end of the week. Thankfully all the girls were very cooperative. :)

I really hope to go next year. This time I want to take my little sister too. She's 14, will be 15 by the next time. I think it would really be a maturing experience for her to pay her expenses and (sort of) be on her own for a week. I mean, I would still be there to keep an eye on her, but it's amazing how much you mature just not having your parents around, having to be in charge of yourself. I know I matured a lot the first time I went - and really I have every year, just in different ways.  Having to keep a budget, be responsible, work hard without being nagged to do so, obey the rules, etc. I'm not saying she's immature (she's not), it's just that she's, well, 14. ;)

It would be fun.

I think that's all I have to say.

Have a wonderful day! :) (I know I'm planning to)

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